• L.PGC System
  • Closed cradle without pipes: no components can be lost during the trip back to the pipe yard.
  • Detail of the locking system highly protected inside the lifting arm: the eyelet of the lifting eye designed for a 5 Tons lifting hook.
  • Now the cradles are ready to receive the pipes.
  • The “U” shaped cradles are open to receive the first row of the pipes. Take note that the smallest parts disassembled are the intermediate bars with the HDP (high density polyethylene) saddles laying on the ground

Cradles for packaging, transportation and storage of tubular materials








The new system L.PGC (Light Pipes Green Cradle), is a further development of the first model of  Falco’s cradles for packaging and lifting system of which it holds several particular characteristics in addition to a major simplification and improvement of the components:

• The relative lightness which is not to the prejudice of the steel cradle sturdiness, tested and certified by R.I.Na ( Registro Italiano Navale ) and DNV-GL (Det Norske Veritas) for the lifting of weights up to 7 tons, by means of 4 central eyelets.

• The easy disassembling in elements transportable by one single man.

• The total lack of movable parts such as threaded bars, nuts, bolts or protective devices which can be easily lost.

• The extreme simplicity and linearity of the operation for separating the polymeric saddles from their steel tubular supports, so as to set aside separately and more easily recycle the two materials composing the system, steel and polyethylene, for the safeguard of the environment, whence the term “GREEN”.

If you got involved in such a sea storm you’d better have your tubular well packed in reliable frames for transport and tranship.


Pipes Sizes Pipes per Package Pipe Sizes Pipes per Package
2 3/8” 56 8 5/8” 6
2 7/8” 42 9 5/8” 6
3 ½” 30 10 ¾” 4
4” 20 11 ¾” 4
4 ½” 20 13 3/8” 4
5” 16 14” 4
5 ½” 16 16” 2
6 5/8” 9 18 5/8” 2
7” 9 20” 2
7 5/8” 9 Other size on request


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